November 10, 2013

Modern Dads

Being the father or the most; head of the family, is very challenging and does take a whole lot of responsibility. And with that ideal trait also comes ever having to make a bunch of sacrifices. Aside from being selfless, being a role model to everyone in or outside your home is not an easy task. It takes a lot of self determination and willingness on your end to be an ideal one. Although we men. Should admit that can’t be perfect at all times, we try so hard to be one amidst the real life temptations and the temporary luxury it brings.

Like mums out there, dads must draw or picture an imaginary line to serve as borders on actions. Responding to those initiative actions will depend on how far your line was crossed. Determining on should you allow your teen daughter to date or allowing a friend’s sleepover are some examples. In the workplace, are you giving that needed motivation to others at work? Are you good enough for recently given promotion? Or it is just simply an abuse of power or power tripping?

Let us not go and drift any farther; are you that an ideal husband to your wife and father to your kids? Do you take or willing to spare some intimate time with your wife? An “alone” time dinner, perhaps?  And how would you go out of your way for a bonding time with your children?

As time marches by, we see and sometimes, experience how the family transforms value-wise through the several complications being brought by external factors. Our minds and disposition are at times clouded by these complicated circumstances further alienating us from what is supposed to be. As the head and the moving influential force in what is considered to be the smallest unit of government, the family; a complete dominance over family matters is essential. Such also requires a sense of toughness in decision making.

Since the statistics have increasingly climbed up yearly regarding broken homes and families to almost anywhere, it is our hope that these complications and domestic issues will lessen. It is believed that a change in “fatherly” tactics alone would take care of it. The full support and cooperation from each member of the family is needed. It may be true that dads are considered the home’s foundation, but it will be all useless without its firm and strong mixture provided by members of the family.

So it is necessary for fathers to not just be security guards of your homes. To be an ideal dad, one must be tough and firm in making domestic decisions. One must exude the adorable partner to his wife and a respected friend to his children. In doing so, the path of being an ideal father and leader is not far from outmost realization.

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